I've never felt that the current fantasies of what artificial intelligence will ultimately be(humanoid robots that blend organics and machines into something we have philosophical discussions about) is something that will come to fruition anytime in the near future. It has taken us over 20 years just to try and mimic basic human actions that we take for granted like walking up stairs or picking up objects. I think that any discussions on it are really a moot point seeing as it will take many many many more years to even come close to something we might mistake for as a fully functional human like those depicted in AI and blade runner.

I do think we are not far from actual AI though even if its not in the hollywood depicted form. I believe that the programming code necessary for such a task is far to overwhelming for any group of people. The first truly artificial intelligence construct will be a conglomerative virus or program that harnesses and indexes the power and abilities of hundreds of programs already on the internet. It is from that index program that will direct the others to evolve and change to meet demands. It is from that one program that does not even need to be very complex as long as it can call upon the others.

Sure this idea is somewhat of a Skynet scenario but where the terminator movies fail is that the military simply takes on too much control over the initial program which leaves much less margin for evolution and self reflexivity than a simple index with a few lines of code about self preservation might allow.


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